Made it out of Athens in one piece. It was kind of scary there for a minute; there were a couple of roundabouts to negotiate and it seems that, in Greece, the approach to right-of-way is something along the lines of "whoever makes the first move has the right of way." That sounds typical, but in practice it gets a little weird, especially when traffic starts merging in from out of nowhere. Guess we just have to be a little more assertive.
At any rate, we drove west for a while, then turned south off the main highway toward a bridge that would get us across to the Peloponnese (it's kind of an island, but I don't know if they actually call it that). Thibes was along the way, and we stopped there hoping to have lunch. We walked up a sort of promenade-type area with a bunch of restaurants, and stopped in at one that had a number of people eating on the patio. At that point, the waiter informed us that the place was a seafood restaurant, and that we would probably be happier at the place across the promenade. Although neither of us had any particular problem with seafood, we figured there must have been SOME reason this had been recommended, so we dutifully walked over to the second restaurant, where we were told the place was closed. By this point - and also having noticed some of the stares we got as we walked up the promenade - it was becoming rapidly apparent that we weren't exactly being welcomed, so after grabbing a brown-bag sandwich at a shop up the road, we moved on.

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